Want to Read Heat



What do you get when you throw a burly blacksmith and the town?s poster child for clumsiness together? A whole lot of swearing and a threatening use of duct tape. And the need to construct a sign that reads, ?DO NOT LET CAMPBELL NEAR THE FORGE!? Alabaster Falls? local blacksmith, Daughtry Blackburn, was satisfied with his reclusive status. He had iron to bend and orders to fill but he knew he needed something to take the business to the next level. His father had fought taking their business into the twenty-first century, but since he?d passed, it was up to Daughtry to keep things forward moving and he knew there was no way to do so without being on the World Wide Web. Metalworking, he got. Computers, not so much. Campbell Jenkins was desperate to be accepted by his peers in the little town he?d called home since birth. Problem was, he was accident-prone. Not just in the sense of an occasional break here or there, but in a "can?t walk by glass without it shattering ? even when it


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